The King and I.

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Jared and Kristina James

Saturday, September 25, 2010

August 14, 2010 was the PERFECT day. It was the day that my sweetheart and I were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple. I thought I was the luckiest then, but even though it's only been a month and a half, I just keep feeling more and more lucky. SOOOO now that we're married and all moved away, I thought maybe a blog would be a good way for our families to know what is going on in our lives. Jared always refers to himself as the king so I thought it appropriate that I name this blog, "The King and I." For some reason he loves King as a name and feels it necessary, and a really good idea to name our first boy King so that his name will be King James. (I think he might be serious, YIKES.) Maybe we'll get a dog or something and name it that.

Jared is the best! Tonight is our date night. (Sooooo excited) It's "The Kings" turn to plan it. He is soo thoughtful and I can't wait to see what we are going to do! The other night we had a "romantic" dinner. We broke out our romantic dinner kit that Lauren (my cousin) gave us. We had these cute red placemats, white plates, candles, a cd of love music and of course NACHOS. Yep we had Nachos for dinner, and mashed potatoes with white gravy. (Healthy, I know!) I guess that's kind of become a tradition. For the first half of our honeymoon we were at my Grandma's cabin in Palisades, Idaho. We went to a little tiny store there called the Dam Store. Of course they had the SMALLEST selection of food EVER. So we bought 3/4 of everything they had. (Seriously) SO for dinner that night we had mashed potatoes w/ white gravy, nachos, four cheese pasta (out of a box), and some weird herb rice stuff. Probably not the healthiest dinner but it was SOOOOO good! After that we had nachos and mashed potatoes every night (midnight snack) for the rest of the time we were there. It was the best. Except now we are always craving nachos or mashed potatoes.

Throught this past month we have discovered we are addicted to dishes. We LOVE them and have a billion different sets at least. As a wedding present we recieved two different sets of plates, which we registered for and were SO excited to get. One set is red and square. The other is yellow and square. We also recieved a gift card to william sanoma. Well one day we decided to go to william sanoma to just look around. We found THE cutest tablecloth ever. What made it even better was that it matched with all of the dishes we had. SO we bought it, of course and when we got home we set it out on the table along with all of the dishes we had, AND we loved it of course.


  1. HIII! I was so happy to hear you have a blog. I have a blog too, but it is private, do I have your email? I can send you an invite if you want. LOVE YOU!

  2. I love it! "The King and I" is so cute and we just love having you in the family honey! We look forward to many more blog memories of our precious Krissy and Jared! Love, Mom & Dad James<3<3<3

  3. you two are TOO ADORABLE!!! i love how excited you get about your dishes and tablecloth :) i'm so glad i'm special enough to have already had a picture message sent to me so i can picture all of these things! LOVE!!!!

    ps- did i maybe tear up a little when i read about your wedding day and i was just so happy? maybe...
